JacQueline Lim

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♥ Every time I see you, it's like a fresh breeze on my face ♥
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BitterSweet Memories

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Saturday, September 24, 2011 3:53 AM

A doubt framing the rights to wrongs or the wrongs to the rights

We know that love is difficult to define, and people tend to not have an idea why they love someone; they just do. And it is probably the most amazing thing to see how completely you could be head over heels for that one person after all the break ups, hates, and angers. You just keep thinking and thinking. Thinking about what? Thinking about what you really see in a relationship. And you just have to move from your heart to your head. Do the thinking, take a hard look at it. 

' To talk without thinking is to shoot without aiming. ' It may seem to be a difficult thing to do, trying to push it up when gravity are acting upon us. (pfft ! what was I thinking.. it's definitely not an easy task) You didn't know that our heart doesn't get along with our head, do you? 

Cause whenever it gets back to your heart, you'll always be in pain. A pain that you wouldn't wish it on the worst of enemies to feel the same way. A condition like this is the time you try so hard to make him see how great you are. You want to make him see what exactly he's missing in his puzzle. A puzzle that you kept telling; he can never be accomplished! You notice how supportive your friends are. (obviously, they have to stand positively on your thoughts. what more do you want?) Good to know. But, there's always a but, deep down you know things isn't going your way. It isn't going to work out! He hasn't come to the point to that realization himself yet. And the words you start springing from your heart is never reflective enough for him to realize. 

You're broken apart, not literally you but your heart. He's not aware of that (maybe just on the surface like oh, she has her heart broken because of me) Douchebag! Putting them all aside. At a point of time, you'll end up at a spot where you could actually get your happiness go over your angers - that's when you know you're still in love. Love is blind. It doesn't show you the bad side of your the other half when you're in love. Cause you'll be so captivated with every little things he does. 'There's no difference between a wise man and a fool when they fall in love.'' 

The truth is, if I could be with anyone, it'd still be you. It all started when fairy tales chose me thou fairy tales do not really exist in our world but fantasy; there's always a miracle. 

goodnight and sweet dreams


Friday, September 23, 2011 1:34 AM

虽然你没说话,但你眼睛已告诉了我 你的心态 
一双会闪亮的眼睛 超迷人的 
一个温暖的拥抱 令我对不起你 
你的关心 你的关怀 我感受得到 我了解 

held me the strongest


Thursday, September 22, 2011 12:32 AM

Lately, a friend of mine was pointing out some life facts to me. Although it may sound like some general or a should-have-already-known kind of thing, but if you come to think about it, most of us tries to deny what we knew. It is not that we don't know but we just chose to not know about it. simple.

'Every bad things done aren't bad'
Actually, it is pretty true. Not all bad things done are bad. I'm sure behind everything, there's indeed a story. It's like behind every line, there's a meaning to it.

Love should be simple and I hate it when people around me gets hurt because of it. Love is the shittiest and it is also the spell that heals. Oh Lord ! Simple love is the sweetest, the most romantic thing on Earth :) It is not the gift, not the words but to be able to do just anything as long as the person you love is beside you. Knowing that they sincerely love you is the biggest thought but not a laughter by the side.

Love is like a tv series
stories, involving you and me
picturing the silence of love
archiving our constancy
with a heart-to-heart talk beginning with I love you

silence is golden


Tuesday, September 20, 2011 11:37 PM

guess what

I feel corny and cocky today :}

you don't have to tell people how terrible your life was, back then.. cause yours wasn't even terrible after all
goodnight peeps ;)


12:51 AM


A day to be remembered.
Never really thought this day would come so soon.
Just a glance, this day just pops up.
A date that nobody notice but to me, it's a total different thing.
It means a lot to me; it's a special date
nobody realize how much I care for this date; not even you.
It is the most memorable date; something I personally hold so strongly to it.

Anyways, this is a song originally from Tamia
This twin is amazing; click it and see what I have to expressed.

♥ 20.09 

two zero dot zero nine


Sunday, September 18, 2011 1:27 AM

I'm not stupid, I'm just naive.
I'm not weak, I'm just sensitive.
I'm not foolish, I'm just out of my mind.

you're a tattoo
I-I love you like a love song baby :}


Wednesday, September 14, 2011 11:24 PM


head will be on the ground - OH HELLzz

'' where's my freaking mood to study ? ''
'' A2 is coming in less than SIX WEEKS ''

bloody hell. and I know no shit at all :(
hardcore revision please bare with me in mind, heart and soul. lol :/
you're not coming back, you laziness !! shoo shoo :)

am I going nuts now ?! heh.. it's okay, at least I study ;)
i think i need more fabulous stationaries to keep me accompanied :)

hello boobs books :}


Sunday, September 11, 2011 9:09 PM

说你爱我 已经变成一个问候 了吗 ?
在这世界上,我们真的分不出真假的对待 了吗 ?
很想很想体会下 你内心的真心话
一句,三个字 的话 都变了吗 ?
一种不一样的心情 对我都消 了吗 ?
世事就是这么奇妙,很多事都不能 plan
那 我们到底怎么了 ?



Saturday, September 10, 2011 1:22 AM


I miss you and I really do
I don't feel this once in a blue moon, but almost every alternatives
everything somehow still relates back to you
I miss you and I want to know if you do too
Cause my heart is beating for you, not me
Every story said; I bring you in as if nothing ended
Every words said; I put guilt in me 
Every feel expressed; I throw in rainbow topped with flashback
I miss you and all the adventures we defined; they are one of a kind



Stunned for a period of time being indecisive. Maybe it'll be okay or maybe not. I'm pretty sure I'm having such awful mixed feelings like 'rojak'. I confess nothing. Just a simple three words phrase. Hopefully, it's short enough to deliver all the blasty, fruity message feels. Maybe sometimes, you don't need a lengthy essay to express how exactly you feel.

if only I could


Friday, September 9, 2011 12:44 AM

You are the melody that plays through my veins


Sunday, September 4, 2011 11:05 PM

Baby, the smile you see
It's everything I want it to be
I know just how I feel
This is how it should always be
You have always been a nice surprise
Of sorts for me

Baby baby you make me believe
In all my dreams
You don't ever have to second guess
Right now I do confess
When I think of love, I think of you.

I'm falling into the stars
I catch me a shooting star
And I place it near my heart 
This love won't come apart

I love you, I love you, I do 

It's everything I wanted it to be


1:46 AM


It does not matter whether you can't see or talk or hear because when it comes to love, you just have to feel it with your heart. 

It's a soft touch that tickles, leaving butterflies in your stomach. 



Thursday, September 1, 2011 11:43 PM

Don't say it ended until you're gone ;)

I don't know la, but I just want to post it somewhere. And this might be the safest place ever. My world, my land, my thing - basically mine all the way. 'What's done is done?' nah ~ I don't think so. Everything done has never met its ending but of course, maybe when you're about to signing off this world. Yeah, maybe that or else, what's done is never done. If it ever gets that easy; what's done is done, it'll never be termed as life, yea? Life is simple yet complicated. So if you have a life, this is how it goes. 

Anyways, today is a smurfie day. Smurf is gooooooood.
First of all, they are awesomely cute *faint* 
I hope I could have one :) that would be lovely

I smurf you; it simply means I love you :)
but not to fast mister, every word can simply termed as smurf :) 
that is the best part of it. that's all for today :) 



10:40 AM


the person I like, can I ask you 4 questions?

1. is there at a point of time, you'll go online because of me, in order for me to talk to you ?

2. is there a kind of feeling that would brings you a satisfied smile every time you receive a text message from me ?

3.如果有一天我不再和你联系,你会主动跟我 联系吗?
3. if it comes about a day that I'll no longer contact you, will you have the initiative to find me ?

4.如果有一天,我彻底的在你的世界里消失,你 会不会想起有我的存在?
4. if there's a day that I'll disappear from your world, will you remember that I, once exist ? 

