Tuesday, June 28, 2011 11:37 PM
You know you hate when you just get annoyed when you see, hear, or just anything that's related to the person.
You know you love when all you think about, or anything you see, first thing that come across your mind is just about that one particular person.
but how would you ever know what you feel if that one person cause mixed feelings in you?
Days are just so hard yet you don't even know
Everyday I'll keep telling myself how not important you are to me
how you no longer play a big role in me; maybe not even a single bit
Sometimes I really do believe it
Sometimes I actually think that you don't mean a god damn thing to me anymore.
And every time when that happens, I feel so much better; relieved is the word
less vulnerable, less effective
It just feels like you can't affect me anymore.
I've repeated this thought countless times that I've almost made it true
made it as if it is going to be so damn real
But then, it freaking scare the out of me of moving forward; going to the front
Cause what happens when you stop loving someone?
What happens when you someday wake up and realize that this person actually doesn't mean anything to you?
What happens when you realize that the person you care isn't the person you care anymore?
cause the point is how could I afford to go from 1000 to 0
or like from heaven to hell?
I'm a girl that feels so so so good when I receive love; it doesn't matter even if it's small
and I guess that's the reason of why I couldn't afford to let go.
You've treated me like a little princess, giving me all the care and love you had.
I couldn't afford to lose you just like that because maybe, I don't want any of those to happen
cause I want to love, to love you.
I'm lost
Monday, June 20, 2011 6:58 PM
Reach Out
Just because we don't say certain things, doesn't mean that we don't feel them.
Just by any chance, there would be time we come across having the same thoughts.
Let it be, let things go with its flow, let it glow like no ones business.
If we're meant to be, we'll end up together.
~ Sorry 'Heart' once again ~
I did try reaching out
Sunday, June 19, 2011 7:17 AM
Mix, Mess and Match it up
Sometimes when things get messed up, you don't exactly know what you're actually feeling. You don't seem to understand what sort of feeling you're actually facing. It is that rush in you that cause you so frustrated about it. About what?! but you just couldn't recall anything. Isn't it annoying yet it's just there but you just couldn't seem to recognize it. You just can't differentiate between annoyed and jealous, between hate and love. So damn epic contrast, that is !
Sometimes certain things done can be really sweet. And they are usually the little things you do. When you pay attention to the smallest details, you get it all. Maybe addressing your other half with something sweet. But it gets all nasty when it's overdone. Sometimes you may think it's just for a fun of it using that particular address to address other people around you, but to a girl, it is a whole lot different story unless that girl does not have that much feelings for you. Guess what; even the smallest thing can hurt like shit ! So don't ever think they don't play a role in a relationship.
Sometimes, there are things in life that gets so high for you till you break down. You just get tired of it out of sudden. There are so many things you get tired of but there's always one thing in life that you can never gets tired of. You get tired of waiting. You get tired of assuming. You get tired of hearing promises over and over again, saying sorry and being hurt. Pfft, what a life we have there. You know what; no one gets tired of loving someone. I know this, cause I don't. Come to think of it, even if you get tired of waiting for them, even if you get tired of hearing broken promises, and saying sorry, you still love that person no matter what. And even if it counts to have you yourself get hurt inside for like a million or billion times, you never feel like you don't love the person anymore. Cause what?! Cause you know what's important is you yourself having them for the rest of your life, even if more often than not, they cause you pain. It is like the universe has pulled the whole of you drawn into that one person. You know they don't pay attention to you anymore but what's worst is that you pay every small details about them. What a fool you are !
You may think it's something happy, something interesting, something your friends would be happy for you kind of thing, something big but what's the truth, you don't know and you'll never know. Cause people are born with two faces. Well, most of them are. Some cause no harm while some, breaks the brick. So you think your friends don't know how to judge you? Some may go saying how great you are as if you're bigger than this world and what's behind your back, you can never know. So you say friends are important; well I can say, some worth having them in life while some, you can just walk with your own path and forget about them. If their words meant so much to you, why don't try seeing if they can keep their promises and take responsible in what they say in the future. By then, you'll notice how this phrase comes about; promises are made to burn. They ain't promises when they are broken - it don't mean a thing actually. Don't try to think having a lot of friends would give you a life, would give you happiness. Well, it can happen but with truthful friends and not with those friends who has no balls. Sucker much! The truth is; it doesn't mean something to them, it just means nothing!
when your heart goes 'go' 'go' 'go', you just can't stop with a 'no'
Thursday, June 16, 2011 11:25 PM
外面的世界有多大,我们并不知道。但是唯一可以肯定是有好多不一样类型的人。有人说朋友是我们最大的关怀!其实这句说的也不错,只是我觉得朋友不需要多,只需要几个能依靠的。普通朋友多好朋友少,到最后最重要的重点是:有多少是真正会留在你身边当你最低落的时候?是否有谁会用他们的真心来对你。来来去去,都不会多。数一数,都只需要用十个手指!因为不是每个人都了解你最深刻的心态。有些人会以为,朋友多等于超 cool 的,但你还没需要他的帮助时,他也可能把你吃掉了!有些人说的话可以是吹吹水而已,你当真的话是你的损失,不能怪他。因为这是自己的选择,自己的一时冲动!人生就是这样,但人生有多少的十年?其实,并不多!
Wednesday, June 15, 2011 11:29 AM
Longer Than Eternity
... and when you don't, I'll just stay at your nearest corner.
My life was a mess before. I thought that I ain't good enough for everyone when I had a broken heart along with me. I thought that I'm better off alone. But then you came into my life one day and taught me how to grow, and love myself. You are the best thing that has ever been mine. And I won't let anyone else take you away from me. If that's meant to happen, I'll do my best not to let fate destroy what we have started, for all the memories that we have shared are moments worth remembering. Thank you for giving a space in your heart and for understanding the real me. I know I'm not any perfect, I'm not that sexy, I'm not pretty anyhow but you saw me behind those physical appearances and looked beyond what is hidden. You made me feel like a princess, and because of that, I want to make you feel like a prince and also in return, let me tell you that I won't ever trade you for anything.
I love you, and I'm hoping that I can share my life with you longer.
you're a gift wrapped in ribbons of thoughtfulness and trimmed with kisses and smiles given by God
Monday, June 13, 2011 1:36 PM
Reminiscing is the word
Sometimes looking back at those days you had with your loved ones makes you smile :)
So, this is what happens on facebook ;)
Her > Him
GUD !! hmph !
Him : im here baby :) ♥ sorry i was lost in the jungle ><
Her : hahahahahaha !! eeee ~ y didn't the lion ate u ?? :( :( :P :P
Him : well the lioness had fun with me in the bushes :) and i lost my GPS :P (
Her : oh really ?? omg !! then the lioness shud have not let u escape then i'll have fun wif my lion :D :P :P n that's cuz i snatch ur GPS away for myself XD
Him : to find the lion ? ahem whats the lion's name !!
*it ended*
... but I wish to continue replying : the lion's name still remain as the one person I adore the most. And that's Him ♥ no jokes ...
Because of the memories, it gets you fall in love deeper
n it gives you the determination and the courage to not give up that easily
cause inside you know; it worths
Sunday, June 12, 2011 10:39 PM
当你病了,不知不觉会想起某某一个人。心里不知不觉会转个方向来看那个人,总会觉得他的声音真的好动听。病了,第一件事是超想能听到你的声音!我不知道如何要去面对,但我很想说,你是我的唯一。虽然被你深深的伤害了,虽然突然会觉得有点累了,但你是唯一一个会令我永远跑去你生在的方向。我并不懂我自己是否在你的心里拥有一个地位。也许是因为自己不敢相信一切都是现实!结论上,也许是因为自己还有那一丝希望在心中。一种默默在等待的希望吧?Sigh !
Saturday, June 11, 2011 12:49 AM
What's going on with my life?
I feel like tearing up. It's getting into me once again. I always knew looking back on the tears would make me laugh. But I never knew looking back on the laughs would make me cry. Nights are the worst part of the whole 24 hours. It gets up to me and brings up my loneliness :( Do you even care or are you blindly in love right at the other corner? ''I miss you and that thing reminds me of you and are you back yet and take care of yourself and I'm worried and ... '' OH SHUT WITH ALL THE BULL CRAPS ! I'm sick of it :( I hate seeing it. It is like seeing how both of your progression starts to build up. You think I was dumb back then to not know what's going on? You pretended not to know how she felt for you. What nonsense? You didn't even pretend. You just head off to her knowing there's another girl loving you. I'm right, ain't I ? Sigh, I'm just upset, that's all. My mind is piling up with shit. I just need somebody to tell me that everything is going to be alright even if its not. Well, at least I'll feel better but with lies. OH SHOOT ! -.-

Goodnight and sweet dreams
I hate remembering, but I can't stand forgetting
and sometimes, tears can express better than words
Friday, June 10, 2011 12:51 AM
Fact # 3 : The two G's ( girl & guy )
''Girls have a bad habit of holding on for too long. Guys have a bad habit of letting go too easily.''
How I wish you were the guy that I expected. How I wish you weren't the same as any other guys out there that matches that quote. You said you weren't like any other guys. I believed in you. I believed in your promises. I took everything into account. And now, what else is left for me? Nothing but sadness. Nothing but misses. Nothing but flashbacks. Nothing but memories. And guess what's the cliche; I HATE YOU ...
... but I love you. A kind of 'I-don't-know-and-I-absolutely-have-no-idea-how-to-hate-someone-sort-of-thing'. And that's the biggest problem. And that's the most retarded feeling on Earth!
leaving scars in my heart
a moment spent with you, is a moment I treasure; I don't know about you, but it seems to be that way for me
Thursday, June 9, 2011 12:57 AM
Having love in heart when in reality, you've got none
how is this not fucked up? may I know?
Love is complicated yet simple. It's hard yet it's easy. Love is like a thin line but nobody can ever reach it. Is either they overshoot or they go beyond it. Let's just say, different people react differently towards the word 'love'. But it's pretty amazing seeing how two complete strangers can turn into a miracle. It's a kind of success yet everyone have to still face a mess in any relationship no matter how perfect it is. Well, some people seem to choose to be with someone they don't love. And there's some that choose to love someone in order to forget their past relationship. And who ever said there isn't any desperate lover in the world? They do. There are just way too many kinds. So, how is it not possible to be complicated? Love, a suck up feeling yet is a sweet temptation. I miss you and is exactly the same as love - simple yet complicated ! It gives my heart a squeeze. Mind-fuck, seriously ...

By the way, exam's finally over, you hear me? And that's what I'm talking about :) Okay, maybe I'm afraid of my results which is going to be revealed on the August something. Oh, and that's balls ! :( Pretty scared of it but I'm so not going to care about it for these coming two weeks. Well my holidays come first, it's my first priority ! But I think I'm going to fall sick any time now :( This is not a good sign to start, AWFUL :( Anyways, any idea on what I should be doing? :} Can't wait for more nail designs, hair cut, new hair dye and having movie marathon :) That's life ! :}
what a blown away mind
Sunday, June 5, 2011 10:07 PM
You can make a bad day instantly better. You make me laugh even when I've felt like crap all day. You bring out a smile in me, no one else can. Your face lights up the room. Your voice makes me want to just listen, for hours. Your eyes electrify me. Your touch awakens me and even if that's not going to happen, anything you do awakens me. You're not the most handsome. You're not the smartest kid. You're not the funniest guy. You're not consider the nicest person nor the sweetest one. But you're everything I see. You're everything I dream off. You have everything I love. Cause to me, you're handsome, smart, funny, and the nicest person I've ever met. And your sweetness is enough to get me into a diabetic patient. I love you, does that explain it?
all the cute things you do, tickle my heart
Saturday, June 4, 2011 1:47 AM
I'm thinking of you and I don't know what to do
Let me see into your mind, only you can decide
You got me whispering your name
What is there in your heart? Which part am I in? Am I even part of it?
I've got a picture of you in my heart and a vision of you hugging me
And I just can't deny what's going on in my soul
Take me back to the start when you first captured my heart
You became my closest friend, closest and warmest boyfriend
You said you'll be there till the end
I know I was wrong when I told you everything but there is one thing I kept in the deepest part of me
I don't know what you're feeling anymore cause I know my ship is sinking
And I'm trying hard enough to stand right back up but memories keep bringing me down
How would I know if you're feeling what I'm feeling
I can only hope that you're thinking what I'm thinking of you
And how would you expect me to know if you're feeling the same way I do?
But I never wish to have an answer to it.
Cause I wish to let you know that I love you, I love you more than the air I breathe
Just a fraction of your love fills the air and I fall in love with you all over again
The question is I don't know how to stop even when I'm deadly tired of everything when memories keep haunting only me.
between me and love, you're the common denominator